Your renters are leaving and you need to fill a vacant property ASAP. What do you do?
Look to's Waiting List.
With Waiting Lists, rented or off-market properties can keep a list of ready and willing standby renters. Like a backup list. You always have the most active and recent renters standing by at the top of your list.
Unlike typical Waiting Lists that require maintenance, Waiting Lists self-update. You always have the most active and recent renters standing by at the top of your list.
When the time comes to find a renter fast, you’ll be happy to have your Waiting List.
1. From your Listings page, simply select the listing status and change it to Waiting List
2. Let us know the date you estimate it to become available. You can change your listing to Available at any time, but if you enter a date we’ll remind you when it’s getting close.
3. You’ll start getting applications on your waiting list! Renters will clearly see that your listing is not currently available, and you can review applications at any time from the Applicants page.